Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Song

I have yet to post anything specifically about Sterling. 

I am inspired all the time to write things about Noelle, or Noelle and I. 

And so I asked myself why this was. 

And when it came to me, it was so moving I found the inspiration to bring it to life in writing.  IMG_5481

Noelle is my teacher.  I believe she was my first for a reason. She has the tenacity, the resilience, and the determination to follow through on so many of the things I needed and still need to learn to live this life joyfully.


But with Sterling there is no learning, there is no challenge,no feeling of not being  enough.  There is just joy, confidence, perfect flow.  I feel like a mother with him. 


He is my knowing I have reached a place of clearer Seeing.

He is the ease that comes with that Knowing.IMG_0030

He is the cool river after a long hike.


He is the fullness of progress.


He is my satisfaction.


He is my song.

Friday, August 27, 2010


To say Noelle loves bellydancing is an understatement.


For the past month we have been going to drum circles and she has steadily moved closer and closer to the middle of the circle, becoming more and more a dancer and less and less an observer.

This last circle was the full moon circle.  We all came together at the Stone Circle in the Garden of the Gods, where red rock giants surrounded us and the night was cool and still. 


Noelle was draped in silk scarves of all colors, gold and silver coins jingling, on her head a pink crocheted hat draping beads down her back.  She truly looked like a gypsy flower. 


I watched the woman Noelle has followed lean down and wrap  one of her coin belts around her waist, just for extra jingle. Then I watched her dance with Noelle,  moving her arms just so, or her hips around, and then Noelle mimicking. 

But the flow of learning wasn’t just adult to child.  Noelle would dance to her as well, and she would smile and nod in appreciation of her.  I could feel that what Noelle brought from her own heart was valued as much as the experience the older dancers brought.

And at the end of the night, when it was time to say goodbye, these women and men all lined up to tell Noelle how beautiful a dancer she is. 

Underneath that starlit  indigo sky, the deep black shadows of rock spires encircling our little group with people of all ages, from all paths,  we came together with one common desire, to find connection with all we are and all that is, connection to the heartbeat of this earth, with the luminous white light in the sky, with each other.

It was in this magickal place I saw what I want for Noelle, for our family. 

I want always for her to be seen for the beauty she brings to this place just by being.

I want folks to show her what they know with passion and love and an appreciation for the wholeness she already is.

I want life for her to be organic and flowing,

Filled with stars and rhythm.


I want her to always dance.


Monday, August 23, 2010

A Little More Drummin’


I hope to make another post soon, but for now, here is another drum circle video!