Monday, July 19, 2010

Where everyone knows your name…

So many good people, so little time.  It will be hard to leave this place. 

First, the winery.  The people here are wonderful.  The lady brewmaster who makes dry berry wines that are delightful.  Her husband, the sax player.  


All the regulars who know everyone.  The fact that they all remembered our names the next time they saw us. 


The dogs whom Noelle runs around with while we relax, drink, and just be merry. 

The night began with great blues music, Johnny Cash covers, and other songs I hadn’t heard before but could totally groove to.  Hummingbirds danced overhead IMG_5649and the setting sun shone through my cranberry wine.  Flowers hung all around, horses grazed in the pasture behind the winery,IMG_5563

and everyone was in high spirits.

Noelle began her rounds talking to everyone on the patio.  After a few songs, she went to the front where she proceeded to dance for the rest of the night.  Another girl joined after a bit, and the whole place clapped and danced and laughed along with them.


It was one of those nights you never forget.

And then there was tonight.  A climb up a mountain road to a new restaurant to meet new friends.  The food was great, the beer selection impressive, and the view fantastic.  Noelle met a little girl, a special girl who would normally be labeled as disabled, although I have come to find children like this are anything but. Noelle sat beside her and they held hands, the girl stroked her hair and back from her wheelchair, Noelle wiped her mouth for her, her parents shared their meal with Noelle.  The night ended with her grandfather’s eyes tearing up as he told us what a special daughter we had.  He bought our  dinner.

It was one of those nights you never forget. 


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