In honor of Spring's renewing energy, I hope to start writing again on this blog. There are too many beautiful things that will be lost to time if I don't write them down.

Right now we have the most amazing Spring. We had a very wet winter, rare in Texas, and it has gifted us one of the most beautiful wildflower seasons I can remember. There are flowers in our backyard I wasn't even aware were sleeping under our soil. There are overflowing patches of clover everywhere, some with yellow flowers, some with blue, some with white. There are wild primroses and hyacinths, and henbit and dandelion. Yesterday we lay for hours in our yard, spread out on the soft green clover, watching ladybugs crawl their their grass forest.

Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. The egg is a symbol of this rebirth. And of course we are reminded of this by the preparations I see all the animals making for their new little ones that are coming. I feel a connection to them all, for I have my own new little one this spring, and we are showing him, after a long winter, all the beauty this Earth has to offer.

After the long gestation of winter, we are finally ready to hatch our wonderings and ponderings, our desires and wishes, and bring them into this physical world. And after much reflection indoors as we watched the still winter landscape, we are ready to step out in new ideas, stretch our wings, and fly.