Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Feeding the Birds

Christmas is over, but winter is not…


Time now for gazing at tree branches set against a blue sky


For feeling the quiet chill creeping beneath layers of clothingIMG_0281

For seeing the stars and moon


For watching birds hop on branches normally hidden from view

Here’s to winter.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Do you See What I See?


Said the night wind to the little lamb

Do you see what I see?

Way up in the sky little lamb

Do you see what I see?


A star a star

dancing in the night

With a tail as big as a kite

With a tail as big as a kite


Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy

Do you hear what I hear?

Ringing through the sky shepherd boy

Do you hear what I hear?


A song a song

High above the tree

With a voice as big as the sea

With a voice as big as the sea


Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king

Do you know what I know?

In your palace walls mighty king?

Do you know what I know?


A child A child

Shivers in the cold

Let us bring Him silver and gold

Let us bring Him silver and gold


Said the king to the people everywhere

Listen to what I say

Pray for peace people everywhere

Listen to what I say


A child A child

sleeping in the night

He will bring us Goodness and Light

He will bring us Goodness and Light


Piper Rose Jackson

Born December 19, 2011 at 3:33 am

9 lbs 5 oz and 21 in

Monday, December 5, 2011

Shades of Red


“It’s so beautiful it makes you want to cry”

                                                         Noelle, almost 4 years










Friday, December 2, 2011


I have been a little smitten with nesting things as of late.  I have fallen in love with the little nesting Matryoska dolls from Russia all over again.  I have a newfound affection for Noah and all his animal friends piling together into the safe and warm ark to ride out the storm eventually to find themselves in a new world. 


It is this time of year, with the cold damp, yes.  But it is also the little child about to be born that makes all things warm and cozy and together seem so much more meaningful. 

We have sort of nested into our own home, venturing a few blocks here and there, but for the most part, staying very close to home.  We have rediscovered the little secret niches of our neighborhood



I have always thought this is such a wonderful time of year to have a baby.  I play music and sing songs about the wonder and goodness of a tiny baby whose birth changed the world.  There is a reverence and joy that is palpable as neighbors smile and offer their holiday wishes.  All my children are born by the light of a Christmas tree, cold winds outside, the warmth of family and Christmas inside. 


My winter babies snuggled close to their mama, still wrapped in the dreamy mists from whence they came, as the quiet cold wraps us all in its stillness.  Perfect.
