Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Song

I have yet to post anything specifically about Sterling. 

I am inspired all the time to write things about Noelle, or Noelle and I. 

And so I asked myself why this was. 

And when it came to me, it was so moving I found the inspiration to bring it to life in writing.  IMG_5481

Noelle is my teacher.  I believe she was my first for a reason. She has the tenacity, the resilience, and the determination to follow through on so many of the things I needed and still need to learn to live this life joyfully.


But with Sterling there is no learning, there is no challenge,no feeling of not being  enough.  There is just joy, confidence, perfect flow.  I feel like a mother with him. 


He is my knowing I have reached a place of clearer Seeing.

He is the ease that comes with that Knowing.IMG_0030

He is the cool river after a long hike.


He is the fullness of progress.


He is my satisfaction.


He is my song.

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