Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ten days ago Noelle celebrated her 1st birthday. It still sounds so strange when I say she is a year old. It is one of those markers in life that seems too big for its own reality. Like turning 50, or 21 for those of us who were a little wilder in our youth =). I think there was a part of me that just really thought this day would never come, some far off horizon we always think about, aim for, but never quite reach. And yet here we are, at the edge of the world, touching the sun. Like I said...surreal.

Now to the fun stuff. The celebration. What stands out to me about this day is how much we had to be grateful for in Noelle's life. How many gifts she and all of us truly received on her very first birthday. And so, I will share them here, in the order we received them that day:

1) Nana

2) Music -- Her cousin Cole gave her a card that played "I'm so excited" when it opened. She still dances to it every time she opens it.

3) Babies in matching tutus -- is there anything cuter?

4.) Spring warmth in the heart of Winter

5.) Picnics

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